The Bloggers: Josh and JackieOn May 16 Jackie Borchardt and Joshua Bickel graduated from the Missouri School of Journalism with master’s degrees.

On May 18 they embarked on a 10-day trip to Spain. Their recent achievements and the ambitious itinerary — 2000 km, nine cities and four distinct nations in one week — inspired them to chronicle the journey.

Jackie studied in Madrid in 2006 and taught Spanish at the University of Missouri. Josh majored in Spanish and uses it when frequenting El Rancho Fast Authentic Mexican in Columbia, Mo. Jackie has been to Barcelona and the northwestern coast. Josh has never been to Spain.

Jackie Borchardt M.A. Print and Digital News; B.A. Spanish, English
Jackie is a freelancer based in New Orleans. Her work has appeared in New Orleans Homes and Lifestyles magazine, Vox Magazine, The Denver Post and the daily Columbia Missourian. She is looking for a reporting job where she can write, write, write everyday. Interests include food, music, health and places with history and character, but she loves the challenge of finding the story in the haystack of uninteresting.

Joshua Bickel M.A. Photojournalism; B.S. Journalism; B.A. Spanish
Josh is currently editing a book of picture stories from St. James, Mo., which will be published later this summer. He also freelances throughout Missouri and will start as the Director of Photography for the Columbia Missourian in August.